527 of 1,000 signatures

Executive Vice President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, and governments of EU Member States

This petition is run by Wemove Europe

Petition text

Preserving nature and avoiding the worst impacts of climate change will require an extraordinary commitment to protect and restore natural forests.

Yet, EU leaders are undermining our shared efforts to fight for our forests and the planet. How? EU policy is increasing forest logging and associated greenhouse gas emissions by misleadingly promoting the burning of forest wood as “zero carbon” renewable energy.

Logging and burning forests is bad for the climate, bad for human health and bad for the plants and animals that call forests home. Yet every year, the EU becomes more dependent on burning wood to meet renewable energy targets and consumers are forced to hand over billions in subsidies annually to this false climate solution.

These costs are too high.

We therefore call on EU policymakers and EU Member States to:

  • End subsidies and other incentives for burning forest wood and redirect this critical support to energy efficiency and true low-emissions renewable energy sources
  • Exclude energy generated from burning forest wood from counting toward renewable energy targets
  • Prioritise forest protection and restoration and ensure that all EU policies safeguard our health, the climate and biodiversity

Why is this important?

Right now, EU policymakers are making critical decisions on how we respond to the climate and biodiversity crises, how we generate energy, and how we protect nature and biodiversity. These decisions will impact us for decades to come. Now is the time to let EU officials know: burning wood for fuel is a disaster for forests and the climate and is not what people want for “renewable energy”.

Energy poverty is a serious problem in the EU, and many people rely on burning wood for heating. Accordingly, this petition does not say “we should not burn wood for energy.” However, lucrative renewable energy subsidies for biomass are driving a surge in forest logging that is increasing CO2 emissions and degrading forest ecosystems. The greenhouse gas emissions impact is worsened because burning wood is taking up precious public funds that should instead be allocated to zero-emissions renewable energy technologies like solar and wind.

The amount of wood burned for electricity generation and heating has increased greatly since the EU started counting it toward renewable energy targets. In the EU, over one-third of renewable energy now comes from burning wood, much of it sourced directly from forests.

EU forests are paying the price. The European Commission’s science advisors recently found the EU is losing forest rapidly, due in part to increased logging for fuel. And it’s not just EU forests that are suffering. The EU imports an increasing amount of wood fuel from the US, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, and even Brazil. The wood pellet industry in North America alone consumes millions of tonnes of trees per year, which is why environmental NGOs from all over the world support this petition.

And biomass energy doesn’t just impact forests and climate – it impacts our health. Wood burning is a major source of the air pollution that already kills over 1,000 people per day in the EU.

EU consumers and taxpayers are paying for this damage to forests, climate and air quality through renewable energy subsidies that are supposed to support “clean and green” energy. In 2017 alone, citizens in 15 EU Member States paid out over €6.5 billion in subsidies to burning wood for energy, and the total EU-wide figure is much higher.

Our forests provide us with fresh air and clean water and they help regulate rainfall cycles. They store carbon, buffer communities from the dangerous impacts of climate change, and are sanctuaries for an incalculable number of plant and animal species. Plundering them for fuel is a false solution that puts all these shared values in danger.

This petition is supported by the following organisations:

  • 2Celsius, Romania
  • Agent Green, Romania
  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft Regenwald und Artenschutz (ARA), Germany
  • Arnhems Peil, Netherlands 
  • Biofuelwatch, UK/USA 
  • Bloeil in Arnhem, Netherlands 
  • Bomenstihting Achterhoek, Netherlands 
  • BundesBürgerInitiative Waldschutz, Germany 
  • Canopée, France 
  • Comite Schone Lucht (Clean Air Committee), Netherlands
  • Ecologistas en Acción, Spain
  • Conservation North, Canada 
  • Corporate Europe Observatory, EU 
  • Denkhaus Bremen, Germany
  • Dogwood Alliance, US 
  • Ecology Action Centre, Canada 
  • EDSP ECO, Netherlands 
  • Eesti Metsa Abiks (Estonian Forest Aid), Estonia 
  • Environment East Gippsland, Australia
  • Eestimaa Looduse Fond (Estonian Fund for Nature), Estonia
  • EuroNatur, Germany/EU
  • European Wilderness Society, Austria 
  • Federation Against Biomass Plants, Netherlands
  • Forests, Climate and Biomass Working Group, Environmental Paper Network, International 
  • Form Ökologie & Paper, Germany
  • Foundation Conservation Carpathia, Romania/EU
  • Frankfurt Zoological Society, Germany 
  • Friends of the Earth, Finland 
  • Friends of Nature Conservation, Canada 
  • Friends of the Irish Environment, Ireland
  • Fundacja Dzika Polska (Wild Poland Foundation), Poland 
  • Fundacja “Rozwój TAK - Odkrywki NIE”, Poland 
  • Global Forest Coalition, International 
  • Green Impact, Italy 
  • Green Transition, Denmark
  • Inicjatywa Dzikie Karpaty (Wild Carpathians Initiative), Poland 
  • INSPRO, Poland 
  • Leefmilieu, Netherlands
  • Lesoochranárske Zoskupenie VLK (WOLF), Slovakia
  • Mobilisation for the Environment (MOB), Netherlands
  • Nature.Net.au, Australia
  • Nature and Milieu, Netherlands 
  • NOAH Friends of the Earth, Denmark 
  • NRDC, US 
  • Obóz dla Puszczy (Camp for forest), Poland 
  • OTOP/BirdLife Poland, Poland
  • Partij voor de Bomen op Texel, Netherlands
  • Partnership for Policy Integrity, US 
  • Pivot Point, US
  • Pracownia na rzecz Wszystkich Istot (Workshop for All Beings), Poland
  • Protect the Forest, Sweden 
  • ROBIN WOOD, Germany
  • Schoorlse Bos Moet Blijven, Netherlands 
  • South East Region Conservation Alliance, Australia
  • Southern Environmental Law Centre, US 
  • Stand.Earth, US 
  • Stichting De Woudreus, Netherlands
  • Stowarzyszenie Okolica (Okolica Association), Poland 
  • Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group, Ukraine 
  • Verdens Skove (Forests of the World), Denmark 
  • Werkgroep Bomen Groningen (Workinggroup Trees Groningen), Netherlands
  • Wild Europe Initiative, EU
  • WildLand Research Institute, UK
  • ZERO, Portugal

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