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The Plenary Members of the Conference on the Future of Europe
This petition is run by Pulse of Europe, Europaunion Deutschland, Alliance4Europe, JEF, Citizens for Europe, Eumans, The Project for Democratic Union,…
Petition text
We urge the Plenary Members of the Conference on the Future of Europe to come out strongly for an end to the council veto and an adoption of qualified majority voting. Write to from your official account to have your position on this crucial issue registered and state your support publicly!
Why is this important?
War has returned to Europe. Some decisive action by EU member states has shown what we Europeans can achieve if we act with one voice.
But this unity is a rare thing and already now, cracks are appearing as Hungary is blocking joint energy sanctions on Russia, and Germany has built in loopholes so it can keep on buying Russian gas. How is this possible? Well, any individual government can block any of the EU’s decision by veto – no matter the reason. Here are some other examples: In 2021, the EU wanted to sanction the dictatorship in Belarus. But Cyprus, with only 0.25 per cent of the EU population, voted against it and refused to sign, unless the EU moved to impose sanctions on Turkey as well. In 2019 Ireland and Sweden, around 4% of the EU population put together, vetoed the introduction of a digital tax. This veto allowed tech giants like Facebook or Google to avoid paying billions of Euros in taxes. The list goes on…The Council veto is a threat to Europe, and put people's lives and livelihoods at risk. Join the call for an end to the veto so we do not have to be held hostage to politicians' narrow interests. You can write directly to the politicians who can make a difference on this crucial matter by going to
Help us abolish the veto so we can build a peaceful and sustainable future together. #NoVeto: so that Europe speaks with one voice. Against war. For democracy and human rights!
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