175 of 200 signatures

To the European Commission, European Union governments, and the European Parliament

This petition is run by WeMove Europe


We have no time to lose, we need bold action to protect our climate, but it has to be fair and leave no one behind. This means immediate action to support those most at risk due to the gas price crisis. More ambitious EU climate actions (especially the Fit for 55 package) as well as support and compensation for the most vulnerable to make sure this green transition is truly just.

Why is this important?

We all want people to have a roof over their heads and a warm home for the winter. In reality over 50 million Europeans live in houses with terrible or no insulation, damp walls or floors, with leaking roofs. 

Not everyone makes it through the winter: every year around 100,000 people die due to living conditions in miserable housing. 

The gas price crisis is about to make a bad situation a whole lot worse. But there is a solution to this in the making.

Tomorrow ministers for the environment of the whole European Union will meet to discuss how to solve this crisis. Call for an EU solution to support those that need it right now, and a radical wave of insulating, repairing and renovating the homes of those that need it most, to protect them from future crises. Let’s make the kind of noise that the ministers can’t ignore. Will you join by signing the petition?

More concretely, we call on our representatives to use all tools, legislative and financial, available to ensure that the renovation wave is highly ambitious and that it is designed to lift the most vulnerable out of energy poverty. For this purpose we need:

  • A binding energy efficiency goal of at least 45% by 2030
  • Minimum energy performance standards for the whole stock, including the residential sector, linked to a deep renovation definition of at least 75% energy savings
  • Focus the renovation wave first on low-income households
  • Proper financing of Social Climate Fund, beyond revenues from Emissions Trade System


  1. Anna is not a real person, but the circumstance of this fictional character represents the reality of millions of real people across Europe.
  2. Including because of respiratory problems, neumonia, or heat stroke.
  3. The idea is to improve the energy efficiency, that is, how much energy a house consumes to stay sufficiently warm or cold, dry or fresh for human well-being and health, regardless of the weather outside.The name of the programme is Social Climate Fund.

Next step - spread the word

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