19,071 of 25,000 signatures

Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission

This petition was started by Julia H. K.

Petition text

Scotland has been a part of the European Union for over 40 years, and if the Scottish people decide to become an independent country in a new referendum, they should be able to remain in the EU! We’re demanding that you commit to changing the rules to make it easy for Scotland to keep its place in the Union. Let Scotland stay!

Why is this important?

The Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon announced there will be a new referendum on Scottish independence that will take place sometime before 2018, before the United Kingdom as a whole leaves the EU. The Scots will again decide on whether to become an independent country - but this vote will have great meaning for the EU, as well.

In the Brexit referendum last summer, Scotland voted to stay in the EU - but against its will, it’s being forced to leave along with the rest of the UK. Scotland has been a part of the EU for over 40 years, but if the Scots voted to be independent, under current EU rules they couldn’t just remain in the European Union. Scotland would have to apply to become a completely new member of the EU. A process that can take years.

If Scotland decides for independence, we want it to be welcome in the EU! So we’re demanding that before that happens, the European Commission changes those rules for countries like Scotland to make it easier for them to remain a member of the EU if they voted to be independent.

The EU should not put obstacles in the way of the European ambitions of the Scottish people. Let Scotland stay!

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