Thank you for your interest in this petition. The petition has been brought to a close by its initiator. On 18 May 2022, it will be officially submitted to the European Parliament's Petitions Committee in Brussels, including signatures collected online as well as offline, on the streets of Europe. Thank you for your support!
Feminist Asylum
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We, the people of Europe and the world, call on the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Council and the national governments of the Schengen area and Ylva Johansson, European Commissioner for Home Affairs
This petition is run by Feministasylum
Petition text
1. Guarantee the right to international protection through the effective recognition of any specific asylum grounds for women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people.
We demand that the necessary means to put in place adequate procedures and structures for the effective recognition of the specific asylum grounds of women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people be deployed by the European Commission and national governments.
2. Establish a European Monitoring Body to ensure the effective implementation of articles 60 and 61 of the Istanbul Convention and articles 10 to 16 of the Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.
We call for the effective implementation of the Istanbul Convention and the Convention on Action against Human Trafficking so that victims of gender-based violence are recognised, supported and afforded international protection.
3. Ensure access to asylum in European countries for women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people.
We call for facilitated legal avenues for women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people to apply for asylum in Europe.
Why is this important?
Sexual and gender-based violence (including domestic violence, sexual exploitation, forced marriage, genital mutilation, trafficking, discriminatory legislation, repudiation, deprivation of their children) pushes many women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people to flee their countries and seek asylum in Europe.
These people are almost systematically exposed to violence and exploitation along the migration route: sexual violence by smugglers or in refugee camps, sexual exploitation or forced labour and confinement in trafficking networks in transit countries, including in European countries, threats, trauma and danger to their children.
When they arrive in Europe, inadequate asylum procedures and an unworthy reception await them. Asylum procedures fail to identify victims of gender-based violence or trafficking, accommodation facilities are inadequate, support measures are lacking. And their specific grounds for asylum are often not recognised, despite the principles set out in several EU directives and the provisions of the Istanbul Convention which recognises gender-based violence against women as a form of persecution giving rise to international protection.
We, the people of Europe and the world, call on the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Council and the national governments of the Schengen area to:
1. Guarantee the right to international protection through the effective recognition of any specific asylum grounds for women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people.
We ask that such recognition be guaranteed to any victim of gender based violence, woman, girl or LGBTIQA+ person, by integrating the particular needs of these persons, and those of the children who accompany them if necessary, at all stages of the asylum procedure and reception. Such a guarantee includes systematic access to structures for identifying and supporting victims of trafficking and violence based on gender and non-heterosexual sexual orientation and the establishment of appropriate conditions for examining asylum applications. The presence of female social workers, interpreters, health care staff, psychologists and lawyers who are LGBTIQA+ sensitive in accommodation and reception centres should be ensured. The detention of women and their accompanying children, girls and LGBTIQA+ people in exile must be outlawed. The Dublin Regulation must not apply to vulnerable people: the application of the sovereignty clause for women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people must be automatic.
We demand that the necessary means to put in place adequate procedures and structures for the effective recognition of the specific asylum grounds of women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people be deployed by the European Commission and national governments.
2. Establish a European Monitoring Body to ensure the effective implementation of articles 60 and 61 of the Istanbul Convention and articles 10 to 16 of the Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.
Article 60 of the Istanbul Convention formally establishes the obligation of signatory states to recognise the right to international protection for victims of gender-based violence against women and calls for gender-sensitive reception and asylum procedures and support services. It is important to ensure that national legislation is in place in line with this Convention and to guarantee its effective implementation in all signatory countries. Similarly the principle of non-refoulement reaffirmed in article 61 of the Istanbul Convention must be strictly adhered to and effectively monitored to prevent the return of LGBTIQA+ women, girls and persons to countries where they are at risk of facing such violence again. Furthermore, compliance with the Convention on Action against Human Trafficking (articles 10-16 in particular) is essential to ensure access to fair and effective asylum procedures, access to assistance and protection and compensation for victims of trafficking.
We call for the effective implementation of the Istanbul Convention and the Convention on Action against Human Trafficking so that victims of gender-based violence are recognised, supported and afforded international protection.
3. Ensure access to asylum in European countries for women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people.
The project of a new European pact on migration and asylum presented in September 2020 by the European Commission aims above all to limit access to Europe. We denounce this pact which defends the interests of the EU and not the rights of migrants who need protection. A tougher border regime, accelerated procedures and filtering at the external borders of Europe, the unloading of the duty of reception and asylum procedures on non-EU countries such as Turkey and facilitated deportations are the backbone of this new unacceptable pact. While the impossibility to file asylum applications in the embassies of European countries has turned the Mediterranean into a giant graveyard, accelerated border procedures expedite the examination of applications and do not allow for the specific asylum grounds and vulnerabilities of women and accompanying children, girls and LGBTIQA+ people.
We call for facilitated legal avenues for women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people to apply for asylum in Europe.
The following organisations support us:
Feministasylum – Supports – 17.02.2022
Europe : CADTM, Comité pour l'abolition des dettes illégitimes, European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights, Fédération Internationale des Droits de l'Homme, Forum Civique Européen, Marche mondiale des Femmes, Migration-Control Project, Parti de la Gauche Européenne, Yeni Kadin
Austria : Frauensolidarität Vienna, StopDeportationsVienna
Basque Country : Asamblea de Mujeres de Bizkaia-Bizkiako Emakumeen Asanblada, Asiciacion Emakume Migratu Feministak-Sociosanitarias, Bagera, nous sommes, Bidez Bide Elkartea, EH Feministak Nika, EHko Bilgune Feminista, ELA SINDIKATUA, ESK Sindikatua, Euskal Herriko Emakume Migratu eta Arrazializaturen Sarea, Euskal Herriko Emakumeen Mundu Marcha, Euskal Herriko Mugimendu feminista, LAB SINDIKATUA, Marimatraka Santurtziko talde feminista, Martxanterak talde feminista, Mugarik Gabe ONGD, ONGI ETORRI ERREFUXIATUAK. MUGAK ZABALDUZ, Portugaleteko Mugimendu Feminista, Sindicato LAB de Euskal Herria, SMH-Aita Mari (Salvamento Marítimo Humanitario), STEILAS SINDIKATUA
Belgium: CADTM, Comité pour l'abolition des dettes illégitimes, CIRÉ- Coordination et Initiatives pour Réfugiés et Étrangers, Marche mondiale des Femmes
Finland: Free Movement Network
France : #Nous Toutes 06, AIDES, Alda-Lesbiennes Réfugiées Toulouse, ANAFE, APIAF Toulouse, Association Caram'elles, Association de Solidarité avec les Travailleuses et travailleurs immigré.es (ASTI) des Ulis, Bures et Orsay, Association pour la Démocratie à Nice, ATTAC Toulouse, Avocats Sans Frontières France, BAGDAM Espace Lesbien Toulouse, Centre Evolutif Lilith (CEL) de Marseille, Centre LGBTQIA 06, Cercle Louis Guilloux, CGT Education 06, CIMADE, CMPDF31, Collectif AGIR, Collectif Droits des Femmes 06, COMEDE, Ensemble, FASTI (Fédération des Associations de Solidarité avec Tou-te-s les Immigré-e-s, Féministes révolutionnaires Nantes, France Amérique Latine, commission Féministes et Genres, GISTI, GRAF, Groupe Accueil et solidarités, Habitat&Citoyenneté, KARAVAN Toulouse, LaisseBien TaGaiete, Lesbiennes Dépassent Les Frontières, Ligue des Droits de l'Homme, Marche mondiale des Femmes, Marche Mondiale des Femmes Occitanie, MRAP, Nice au cœur, Planning Familial, Qx1 Welcome Map, Refugee Women's Centre, Resf-48, Roya Citoyenne, She'lter, Terres à elles, Solidaires 06 - confédération syndicale, SOLIDAIRES 31, SOMICO, Sublimes Portes, Traversées artistiques en Méditerranée, UJPP Union Juive Française pour la paix, UNEF Toulouse, Union syndicale Solidaires
Germany : ATTAC Germany, Bavarian Refugee Council (Bayerischer Flüchtlingsrat), Bundesfachverband unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtinge, CENÎ - Kurdisches Frauenbüro für Frieden e.V., FIM – Frauenrecht ist Menschenrecht e.V., Flüchtlingsrat Baden-Württemberg, Flüchtlingsrat Brandenburg, Flüchtlingsrat Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V., Flüchtlingsrat NRW Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V., Flüchtlingsrat RLP, Frauenhauskoordinierung e.V. /Association of Women's Shelters, Fraueninformationszentrum Stuttgart, Hessischer Flüchtlingsrat (Refugee Coucil of Hesse) e.V., JUNO - eine Stimme für geflüchtete Frauen/JUNO - a voice for refugee women, KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V., NETZ für Selbstverwaltung und Selbstorganisation e.V., PRO ASYL, Pro Bleiberecht Rostock, Queer refugees support Hamburg, Refugee Council of Lower Saxony /Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen e.V., Refugee council Saxony-Anhalt /Flüchtlingsrat Sachsen – Anhalt e.V., Republikanischer Anwältinnen- und Anwälteverein e. V., Sächsischer Flüchtlingsrat e.V. / Saxon Refugee Council, Seebrücke, Terre des femmes – Menschenrechte für die Frau e.V., Vereinigung Demokratischer Juristinnen und Juristen e.V. (VDJ), Women in Exile and Friends, Brandenburg, XENION Psychosoziale Hilfen für politisch Verfolgte e.V.
Germany and Greece: Equal Rights Beyond Borders
Greece: FemArtAct, HumanRights360, Samos LGBTQI+ Group, Samos Volunteers and Samos Advocacy, Δίκτυο για τα Πολιτικά και Κοινωνικά Δικαιώματα- Network for Political and Social Rights, Δίκτυο Οργάνωση Γυναικών Ευρώπης- Réseau des femmes grecques d'Europe, Ελληνικό Δίκτυο Κοινωνικής Υποστήριξης Προσφύγων και Μεταναστών- Network of Social Support for Refugees and Migrants, Ελληνικό Παρατηρητήριο των Συμφωνιών του Ελσίνκι- Greek Helsinki Monitor, Ελληνικό Συμβούλιο για τους Πρόσφυγες/Greek Council For Refugees, Ελληνικό Φόρουμ Μεταναστών- Greek Forum of Migrants, Κέντρο Γυναικείων Μελετών και Ερευνών 'Διοτίμα' - Centre for Research on Women's Issues 'Diotima', Κέντρο Έρευνας και Δράσης για την Ειρήνη (ΚΕΔΕ)- Center of Research and Action for Peace (KEDE), ΜΗΤΕΡΑΣ ΕΡΓΟΝ Σύλλογος Πολύτεκνων Μητέρων- Mother’s Work, Association of Multi-Children Families, Ομάδα γυναικών του συλλόγου κοινωνικής και Πολιτιστικής Παρέμβασης "θρυαλλίδα" - Women Group of the Association of Social and Cultural Intervention "Thryallida", Ομάδα ΛΟΑΤΚΙ+ Εργασιακής Υποστήριξης -— LGBTQI+ Employment Support Group, Οργάνωση Ενωμένων Γυναικών Αφρικής- United African Women Organization Greece, Πρωτοβουλία Γυναικών ενάντια στο Χρέος και στα Μέτρα Λιτότητας- Χώρος Αλληλεγγύης Γυναικων Γυναικών - Women's initiative against debt and austerity measures - Women's solidarity venue, Σωματείο Γυναικείων Δικαιωμάτων «ΤΟ ΜΩΒ» "TO MOV" Women's Rights Association, Φεστιβάλ Υπερηφάνειας Θεσσαλονίκης-Thessaloniki Pride Festival
Italy: ARCI Associazione di Promozione Sociale Roma, Association "Popoli in Arte" Sanremo, Associazione Albatros Laboratorio teatrale e Centro di Solidarietà - Alba (Cuneo), ATTAC Imperia, Campagna LasciateCIEntrare, Casa delle Donne di Milano (Women's house of Milan), Casa delle Donne Parma, Cisda (Cordinamento Italiano Sostegno Donne Afgane Onlus), Cooperativa Giolli, Montechiarugolo (Parma) - Centro di Ricerche Teatro dell'Oppresso, Fucsia Teatro, IAM Intersectionalities and more – Bologna, Il Deposito dei Segni – Pescara, La bottega del Barbieri, Imola, Bologna, Laboratorio Politico per un'altra città, Firenze, Libera Università delle Donne, Milano, NUDM La Spezia, NUDM Modena, NUDM Ponente Ligure, Re.Co.Sol (Reti Comuni Solidali), Chiaro Sasso, Réseau Sanremo Solidale Sanremo
Italy and Bosnia: Linea D'Ombra
Lithuany: Center Against Human Trafficking and Exploitation, Equally
Netherlands: Gambe - GRUPO de APOIO as mulheres no exterior, SAP Grenzeloos
Poland: Fondation Kazimierz Lyszczynski
Portugal: A Coletiva
Spain: Anticapitalistas, Kifkif, Migraciones y Refugio LGTBI+, Ca la Dona, Refugees Welcome España, Viento Sur
Switzerland : ACAT, ADF Neuchâtel, APDH, Appartenances, Asile LGBTIQ+, Association de médiatrices interculturelles (AMIC), Association Découvrir, Association du Témoignage Chrétien, Asylex, ATTAC Suisse, Be-Hôme Neuchâtel, Brava (anc. Terre des Femmes), Camarada, Caritas Genève, Carrefour Orientation Solidarité, CEFAM, centre d'accueil et d'intégration pour femmes migrantes et leurs enfants habitant Meyrin, Centre social protestant Genève, Commission fédérative Femmes SSP/VPOD, Commission femmes de l’Union syndicale suisse, Coordination, DAO Dachorganisation der Frauenhäuser Schweiz und Liechtenstein, Droit de Rester VD, NE et FR, Elisa-asile, Ensemble à gauche, Femmes socialistes suisses, FIZ Centre d’assistance aux migrantes et aux victimes de la traite des femmes, Freiplatzaktion Basel - legal counseling center for refugees, Grève féministe suisse, Juristes démocrates de Suisse, L’AMAR – Lieu Autogéré Multiculturel d’Accueil et de Rencontres /Neuchâtel, La Roseraie, Le deuxième Observatoire,, Les Scribes, Ligue des Droits de l'Homme, Marche mondiale des Femmes, Médecins du Monde, ODAE, Plateforme Traite, Pluri-Elles, Rainbow Spot - Permanence LGBTIQ+ Asile-Migration (Vaud), RECIF, Résistons Genève, SAO Association for displaced women, Solidarité Femmes région Neuchâtel, Solidarité sans frontières, Solidarité Tattes, SolidaritéS CH, Solinetz Luzern, SOS Asile Vaud, Transgender Network Switzerland, UNIA, Viol-Secours, Vivre Ensemble
Turkey : AĞ-DA Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Dayanışma Ağı, Antalya Kadın Danışma Merkezi ve Dayanışma Derneği, Aramızda Gender Studies Association, Cinsel Şiddetle Mücadele Derneği / Association for Struggle Against Sexual Violence, Dünya Kadın Yürüyüşü Türkiye Koordinasyonu, Eşitlik İçin Kadın Platformu (EŞİK), Göç İzleme Derneği, Kadın Gözüyle, KAOS Gay Lesbien Association, SES Eşitlik ve Dayanışma Derneği
Sweden : Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Rights
In partnership with:
Refugee women are often left in limbo without proper health care, locked up and abused or sent back to face a death sentence. Help give them the welcome and safe haven they deserve.
This week it will be 11 years since a landmark agreement on ending violence against women was signed: the Istanbul Convention! EU leaders will mark this moment with a celebration of their commitment to these values. And as they do, we want them to know that tens of thousands of us demand more from them.
Help us flood EU leaders' social media accounts on the anniversary of this landmark agreement and make sure Europe lives up to its name and offer safety for refugee women!